Managing Poor Circulation and Cold Extremities

Treating Cold Hands and Feet When You Have AFib

Poor circulation is a common symptom of AFib and can lead to cold extremities like your hands and feet.  AFib causes your heart to be insufficient in pumping blood throughout your body.  When the warm blood does not infiltrate your veins and capillaries in your hands and feet, this will make them cold.  If AFib is treated properly, the symptoms of cold hands and feet should go away.

If You Still Have Cold Extremities

You may need to tell your doctor if you have cold hands and feet even after treatment for your AFib.  Having cold extremities when you are in a warm environment could be a warning sign for other issues. Consistently cold hands and feet, especially with color changes in the areas, can be a health concern such as nerve issues, damaged tissues in the hands or feet, or blood circulation problems.  Color and skin changes to note are:

  • White or blue skin
  • Numbness or tingling in the extremities
  • Open sores or blisters
  • Tight, hardened skin

The brain and other mechanisms normally attempt to regulate the body’s temperature.  Disease processes can hinder the body’s ability to maintain a balance, especially in the fingers and toes, since they have more surface area for any heat to escape. If your AFib is resolved and you still have issues with cold extremities, your doctor should check to see if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Anemia
  • Buerger’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Lupus
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Scleroderma
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Natural Ways to Cure Cold Hands and Feet

If you want to relieve your cold hands and feet, you may be able to use natural remedies to restore your body’s balance, enhance circulation, and help with your body’s metabolism.  Enhancing an inefficient circulation or boosting your metabolism will help keep blood flowing better to your extremities and help with increasing the heat in your feet and hands. If your circulation is not properly functioning or your metabolic system is poorly performing, the body tends to keep the blood circulating closer to your internal organs.

Try these tips to help your cold hands and feet:

  • Regular exercise is a great way to improve your metabolism and get your blood flowing efficiently. It can revitalize the body and improve your general state of health.
  • Caffeine is a stimulant that helps move blood through your body and increases your metabolism. However, you will need to ask your doctor if having any caffeine will adversely affect you if you have a health condition like AFib.
  • A safer alternative to taking anything with caffeine in it would be cayenne pepper. You can either add this stimulant to your food or buy it as a supplement from your health food store.  It should enhance blood flow; be careful of taking this type of supplement if you have problems with your stomach.  Even in supplement form, it should be taken with food.
  • Try a paraffin dip. You can buy paraffin and the warmer at any Walmart or drugstore;  it can help soothe your cold hands and feet.
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