Tips for Preventing Atrial Fibrillation

Tips for Atrial Fibrillation Prevention and Reversal

Can a person prevent or reverse Afib?  Absolutely.  Anyone needs to try to avert this condition, a disease that leads to strokes.  We can treat Afib with medications that are commonly called ‘blood-thinners’, and this helps prevent an occurrence. Even a baby aspirin would suffice with a patient with no additional risk factors. Medications can regulate the heart rhythm, and there are even procedures that can potentially fix AFib, such as a catheter ablation.

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However, going about it the natural way is best for a patient with Afib as well as anyone at risk for a stroke.  Some life changes can certainly assist in atrial fibrillation prevention for you or your loved one.

Stop Smoking

If you are a smoker, you need to find a smoke cessation program that works for you.  Whether it be the new e-cigarettes or nicotine patches, look for something that fits your lifestyle.  If you are exposed to second-hand smoke, the effects are worse for you.  Try to maintain a smoke-free lifestyle so that you can live longer and healthier.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is not the most popular remedy for any disease process, yet it is usually the number one effective way of turning your body around for the good.  The American Heart Association suggests getting approximately 20 minutes per day of moderate activity.  One study found that sitting more than 3 hours a day can shorten our life by two years.  That is a frightening statistic.  Being active by walking or any other type of exercise can lower blood pressure significantly and help with weight loss as well.  Additionally, it will assist in Atrial Fibrillation prevention and reversal! Find an activity that you enjoy or can do for the long haul.  Swimming, walking, tennis or anything that gets your heart rate up is great for physical activity!

Avoid Processed Foods

The worst thing for a patient with Afib to eat is a diet full of processed foods.  Processed foods predispose a person to high blood pressure and obesity.  Processed foods are full of sugar, salt and unhealthy fats.  Anything that comes in a can, box or other container is more than likely a food you shouldn’t eat an abundance of, restaurants and fast food joints included.  You don’t know what they put in food, so you cannot know if it is healthy or not.

Eat Natural Foods

You can avoid a lot of the salt-laden foods that are on the grocery shelves if you can shop in the outer perimeter of the grocery aisles.  If you fill up on fruits and vegetables, as well as fish, beans and whole grains, you will find you could lose weight and lower your blood pressure naturally.  Shop for foods in their natural state and opt for potatoes instead of potato chips!

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